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The English Tutor

Average Rating3.73
(based on 75 reviews)

My shop is full of literary surprises: with a degree in Creative Writing and English I have some fantastic resources on creative writing, poetry and Literature Texts. I aim to offer resources on the less common texts and also cover a range of resources from the International GCSEs....welcome, come in and feel free to browse...buy, don't buy, follow, don't follow....just don't spend every weekend working....be kind to yourself!




My shop is full of literary surprises: with a degree in Creative Writing and English I have some fantastic resources on creative writing, poetry and Literature Texts. I aim to offer resources on the less common texts and also cover a range of resources from the International GCSEs....welcome, come in and feel free to browse...buy, don't buy, follow, don't follow....just don't spend every weekend working....be kind to yourself!
Literacy: Regular and Irregular Verbs (KS2/3)

Literacy: Regular and Irregular Verbs (KS2/3)

This resource includes a worksheet (8.1) as an introduction to this aspect of Literacy. The powerpoint is designed to follow on from the completion of the worksheet and serves to check the answers to the worksheet whilst also including further tasks to ensure learning is secure and can be applied independently. The powerpoint includes a self assessment task and a 'Show me the Maths' task plus an extension activity for more able students. This worksheet and powerpoint forms part of a bigger scheme of work that focuses on literacy, reading and spellings through similarly challenging and engaging tasks. If your like the format of this resource please see my other resources for Years 7, 8 and 9 available as either termly booklets/powerpoints, yearly or whole key stage bundles. If you leave a review for this resource and email me on jo_marsh@btinternet.com to confirm your details I will give you a discount to use on one of my other resources. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-7-12-week-literacy-programme-11472994 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-7-literacy-programme-whole-year-11490931 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-8-12-week-literacy-programme-11481475 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-8-literacy-programme-whole-year-11490932 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-9-literacy-programme-preparing-for-gcses-11484542 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-9-literacy-programme-whole-year-11490934 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-7-9-literacy-programme-three-years-11490938
New Year 2020 Assembly: Welcome Back and Making Changes

New Year 2020 Assembly: Welcome Back and Making Changes

This assembly uses music, interesting facts about New Year, an inclusive ‘hands up’ activity and challenges students to adapt their approach to setting new year’s resolutions and instead aim to be more reflective and make changes all the time to ensure they achieve successes in their education, personal and emotional lives. This assembly draws on facts that traverse a range of cultures and is overtly linked to the SMSC agenda. This would be a perfect assembly to use as a first assembly back in 2020 and will save you thinking/planning time over the festive season.
Christmas  End of Term Assembly

Christmas End of Term Assembly

This assembly uses humour to appeal to secondary age students and reiterate that Christmas does not have to mean not looking at your study books for 2-3 weeks. This assembly is one that stays in students’ memories and resonates with them for a long time afterwards. The resource comes with a complete script and the powerpoint is fully animated to ensure that the visuals match the presentation. This is an assembly that my students loved and laughed about for a long time after first presenting this. WARNING: DO NOT SHOW THIS TO ANY YEAR GROUP WHO MIGHT STILL BELIEVE IN SANTA! :-)
END OF TERM QUIZ; Even More Dingbats (KS3/4)

END OF TERM QUIZ; Even More Dingbats (KS3/4)

After the success of my first compilation of Dingbats images I’ve now created a further mind bending quiz, this is perfect to fill gaps in tutor sessions or PSHE closers and has SMSC content embedded throughout. This would work with students from year 7 upwards.
'Outstanding' lesson on E-Safety

'Outstanding' lesson on E-Safety

This lesson introduces students to the fundamental differences between 'features' and 'components' in Media texts and asks them to analyse the 'Where's Klaus' Internet Safety advert. This lesson worked really well as a successful interview lesson for Middle Leadership, it would equally work well for a Media Studies lesson or a PSHE lesson on Internet Safety. Students are asked to engage with the advert using stills and differentiated questions. When I taught this lesson I also got students to mark their start 'grade' on a timeline (most said they would have thought they'd get a 2/3 at first) and then ask them to review this twice more during the lesson.....this simple method was highly successful in showing the 'outstanding progress'achieved during the lesson for all students.
2020:  Motivational Assembly - Who do YOU think you are?

2020: Motivational Assembly - Who do YOU think you are?

This assembly is ideal for use as a return to school assembly: it draws on the musings of Jay Shetty, an international speaker who is entirely relateable to young people today. This assembly motivates students to think about who they are and what they want to achieve and to understand that being different is fine, you take you own route through to success. The link in this resource takes you to the video for this assembly and also a range of other useful video resources for future assemblies. My own students were transfixed by this assembly and then went on to refer back to it throughout the academic year, which is why I wanted to share it. This is a perfect assembly for returning year 10s through to year 13s but is equally accessible for younger students who need a sense of direction. This assembly uses a range of strategies to engage students, include visual images, thought provoking questions and a challenge to take away with them. If you like this resource then you will love my other assemblies (both rated 5 *s): https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/new-year-2020-assembly-welcome-back-and-making-changes-11783964 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/christmas-end-of-term-assembly-11599300
Halloween Quiz

Halloween Quiz

This quiz traverses a range of cross curricular topics including Literature, Art, Dance, Music and Media and contains a variety of question types suited to all KS3/4 students including extension bonus questions. Enjoy!! Mwahahahahahahahaha...
4 Quiz Christmas Bundle Plus a Decorative Banner for your classroom

4 Quiz Christmas Bundle Plus a Decorative Banner for your classroom

This bundle includes a Banner for your classroom, a powerpoint game of PictoWord, a Christmas Wordsearch, a Christmas Mad Lib activity and a Word Ladder Activity. There is something for everyone here, including some challenges for those most able students. These are great literacy based quizzes to end the term with that will keep your students focused until the very end. This bundle is easily one full lesson if not a little more and would suit a range of year groups at secondary level. Merry Christmas!
Holocaust:  Unseen Poetry Practice

Holocaust: Unseen Poetry Practice

This resource includes three differentiated poems with leading questions that traverse language, structure and literary devices. This has been created with the Holocaust Memorial Day (27th January) in mind, although it could be used as a supply activity, revision resource, or recap for Unseen Poetry to get students re-engaged with this part of their exams. This is also available as part of a Bundle with an Assembly and a Reading Paper in my shop.
Big Quiz Bundle

Big Quiz Bundle

4 Resources
This bundle includes: a Dingbats Quiz, Who am I Quiz? Film Quiz and a Slogan Quiz. These are accessible for all secondary students and went down really well with my students. These work well as an end of term treat of as a weekly starter/team building competition for use in tutor time.
5 Quiz Bundle including a Scorecard

5 Quiz Bundle including a Scorecard

This new bundle/resource includes a range of current quizzes and a newly designed scorecard to enable this to be used over a number of sittings/half term and ensures a sense of competition between students is upheld.
Quiz: What's the Headline  2017

Quiz: What's the Headline 2017

A current news quiz that asks students to fill the word gap in the headline. All headlines are taken from current news articles and includes World News and the 2017 Election amongst other subjects. My tutor group love these types of quizzes and ticks both tutor time and the SMSC boxes. Enjoy!
Assembly on Road Safety

Assembly on Road Safety

This powerpoint offers a range of statistics making road safety relevant to the young driver, it offers advice and leaves students with something to think about.
Slogan Quiz

Slogan Quiz

A well rounded quiz based on commonly heard slogans, students of all ages and abilities should be able to access this end of term/tutor time treat!
End of Term Dingbats Quiz

End of Term Dingbats Quiz

A powerpoint containing a mix of easy and difficult Dingbats images and in turn the answers. This is a ready to roll End of Term Quiz for that last 50 minute lesson with a 'spirited' group!! Enjoy. Also available as part of a discounted package with a scorecard...see my shop for other options on buying this resource.
End of Term Who am I? Quiz

End of Term Who am I? Quiz

This quiz draws on famous film stars, royalty, pop stars, historical icons and inspirational sportsmen. It traverses the entire curriculum and my year 7s and 9s both absolutely loved playing this. Challenging but not too difficult.
Brain Training Theories: Learning Quotations for GCSEs

Brain Training Theories: Learning Quotations for GCSEs

This lesson takes you through a theory based lesson using music to learn quotations from texts. This lesson has proved to be a highly enjoyable, alternative and effective approach to last minute quotation learning, even for students who struggle to retain information. Using this method of learning quotations, students are able to write more sustained responses and in turn access higher grades. If you find this useful please do leave a review. More Brain Training lessons to follow.
Christmas Quiz

Christmas Quiz

This quiz uses video stills, music, literacy and maths in a fun and varied way to provide an engaging and fully accessible quiz for all learners. This quiz contains tips and visuals to help younger students and as such would work for students at the top end of KS2 through to KS5. A perfect way to end the term and send your students off happy!